The U.S. Dairy Exporter Blog: Market Analysis, Research & News
  • VIDEO Q&A: How 4-H prepared Krysta Harden for executive leadership in government, business and the U.S. dairy industry

    By USDEC March 21, 2022

    To celebrate National Ag Day (March 22), the new chair of the National 4-H Council discusses her experience growing up on a Georgia peanut farm.

    Click arrow above to watch a video Q&A with USDEC's Krysta Harden.

    Growing up on a Georgia peanut farm, Krysta Harden knew from an early age that she would be part of 4-H and that 4-H would be part of her.

    As a third-grader, Harden paraded 1,000-pound steers in front of judges at 4-H competitions. “I was the littlest one out there,” recalls Harden, who was recently named chair of the National 4-H Council. “I looked like a skinny little ant next to these big, big animals that ended up being very gentle and very kind. That’s how it really started. My parents thought it would be good for me to learn about discipline and focus by taking care of something.”

    Harden didn’t know it back then, but childhood lessons learned in 4-H would prepare her for leadership positions in the federal government, business and the nonprofit sector in Washington, D.C.

    In 2021, Harden became the first woman to lead the U.S. Dairy Export Council when she was named president and CEO in February.

    In January, Harden was elected board chair of the National 4-H Council, which supports nearly six million 4-H children and teens with a focus on fundraising and telling the 4-H story.

    To help celebrate National Ag Day on Tuesday (March 22), the U.S. Dairy Export Council has produced a Q&A video interview (above) with Harden. She talks about her personal 4-H story and how it has shaped her life and career.

    Learn more:

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    The U.S. Dairy Export Council fosters collaborative industry partnerships with processors, trading companies and others to enhance global demand for U.S. dairy products and ingredients. USDEC is primarily supported by Dairy Management Inc. through the dairy farmer checkoff. How to republish this post. 

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