The U.S. Dairy Exporter Blog: Market Analysis, Research & News
  • Dairy Traceability Protects Supply Chain Integrity

    by Tom Suber June 14, 2012

    Back in 1997, the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments began making the case for a voluntary dairy food safety program called HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). This program remains an internationally accepted, science-based system for ensuring food safety controls. At the time, the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance was doing the heavy lifting on dairy safety. HACCP was heralded not as a replacement for the PMO, but rather as another (voluntary) tool used to reinforce quality and customer satisfaction.

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  • Around the World in New Cheese Capacity

    by Angélique Hollister June 11, 2012

    Since Jan. 1, at least 17 companies have announced significant plans to expand existing cheese manufacturing facilities or build new cheese plants. Geographically, the tally breaks out as follows: one in Japan, one in South America, three in Australia, six in Europe and six in the United States. That does not include projects that started taking milk over the past five months—like Brasil Foods’ new mozzarella plant in Itumbiara, Brazil—or new cheese capacity expansions that are on the drawing boards.

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