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Dear Members,

Over the last 25-plus years, USDEC has adapted to the shifting demands of export markets just as your organizations have adapted. We’ve evolved the organization and the way we operate to ensure that we are best aligned to continue opening markets, building demand and facilitating trade. We’ve adjusted to make sure that we remain on the right path to increase the value and volume of U.S. dairy exports.

Our bylaws, however, have not kept pace with those changes. In fact, the last time we revised our bylaws was 19 years ago when annual U.S. export value was a flat $1 billion and we were shipping only 5% of our milk solids overseas.

The organization has changed significantly since then, and in reviewing those bylaws recently, we realized they needed modernizing to reflect the reality of the way we operate—and have been operating for years.

Therefore, with the assistance and oversight of the USDEC Operating Committee, and the law firm of Watkinson Miller PLLC, we are proposing a number of modifications to the bylaws. Those include:

  • Updating membership classes to align with the seven classes we currently use (rather than just the three classes needed when USDEC launched).
  • Creating a process for the suspension and/or removal of members should they violate membership terms.
  • Clarifying board of directors and committee representation and management requirements.

Click on these links to read a copy of a memo from Watkinson Miller summarizing the changes as well as the revised bylaws themselves. The Operating Committee has read and approved the revised bylaws.

We ask that you review the documents ahead of the upcoming USDEC Spring Membership Meeting. On April 21, membership will vote on the changes. A quorum is required to make any decision official.

We appreciate your time and value your continued support of this organization and our efforts toward the common goal of making the United States the primary supplier of high-quality dairy ingredients and cheese to the world. Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Krysta Signature-1

Krysta Harden
President and CEO, USDEC